Where to ask for help? The RStudio Community is a warm and welcoming online discussion forum to ask (and answer!) any questions about using R. Read through the reprex articles, which feature loads of animated gifs to illustrate the steps like Magic reprex and Using datapasta with reprex. One package you’ll grow to love is the reprex package for creating reproducible R code examples. The Tidyverse site offers some expert advice for how to help others help you. Learning where and how to ask for R help is a powerful skill to hone. If you decide you’d like to collect them all, you may clone the cheat sheet github repository. RStudio publishes a free collection of cheat sheets for the most popular R features and packages to help jog your memory.

No one can possibly remember all the functions and arguments for every R package, which is why cheat sheets were invented. Here are 6 of the most common areas that people who already have some experience in R find particularly rewarding to learn. The course blends lectures, exercises, and practicals over two days to cover the 80% of work that almost everyone needs to do.Once you’ve gotten started learning R, you can expand your skills by exploring many of the specialized capabilities of R. A two day course covering data manipulation and reporting fundamentals using the tidyverse, rmarkdown, and shiny. During the day, we’ll cover dplyr, tidy data, tibbles, dates/times and string manipulation. The course is a mixture of lectures, short exercises and longer tutorial questions. A one day crash course covering tidyverse fundamentals.

Most of the cheatsheets have been translated into multiple languages. You can keep them handy at your desk and quickly jog your memory when you get stuck. These cheatsheets have been carefully designed to pack a lot of information into a small amount of space. We highly recommend pairing R4DS with the It’s designed to take you from knowing nothing about R or the tidyverse to having all the basic tools of data science at your fingertips.

R for Data Science (R4DS for short), an O’Reilly book written by Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund. The best place to start learning the tidyverse is